Saturday 21 July 2012



“We are powerful beyond our imagination and most of our potential diminishes because of our inability to choose the right kind of thoughts.”
                                 — US Moinuddin

“There are times when we feel that we need to thank someone for the help generated and we realise that time has passed in days and years. If you want to thank a person, the best time is now.”
                           — US Moinuddin
“People are guided more by the fear of religion rather than the understanding of religion. Ignorance breeds fear, understanding develops courage and encourages right actions.”
                             — US Moinuddin
“The results you are witnessing in your life are a product of your actions. And the series of actions which you choose are a matter of your thinking. If the results are not what you want them to be, you need to change your thinking.”
                              — US Moinuddin

“When I started taking life seriously it became a source of stress, ill health and anxiety. When I thought of it as unimportant it became a joy, a celebration and everything seemed so wonderful.”
                                              — US Moinuddin

“When you dream, you believe. When you believe, you take action. When you take action, you succeed. When you succeed, you inspire.”
                                               — US Moinuddin

“Peace between nations is lasting when their citizens feel that people beyond their borders are no different from them.”
    US Moinuddin

“If a person’s response to you at the moment is unfriendly, his personal issues most probably burden him.”
    US Moinuddin

“Everything materially decreases when shared, but love and happiness are the two things that grow when shared.”
    US Moinuddin

“If you are always in the comfort zone, the sad news is that you are not growing.”
    US Moinuddin

 “Most of the people don’t get what they want because they never had the patience to clearly define what they wanted.”
    US Moinuddin
“If people can learn tolerance, overcome pettiness, fanaticism and superstition a society can achieve greatness.”
                                              — US Moinuddin

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