Thursday 25 July 2013


'READING MAKETH A FULL MAN' were the words one could read as they entered the "City Centre Library."  CITY CENTRE LIBRARY of Jayanagar is the one place I loved to visit as a young girl. My father would take me and my brother to the library every Sunday. I still remember the joy I would feel looking at the blue gate of the library as we reached it.The library had many sections like novels section,children's section and newspapers section. As we entered the library, we would rush to the children's section, where a huge collection of comic books was there on display. There were Tinkle,The Adventures of Tintin, Phantom and many more. We would spend hours together reading those and many other books. We could also borrow books from the library. Reading those books day after day my language and vocabulary improved. I thank my father for taking me to the library where I developed an interest for reading.Today working as a teacher, I encourage my students to visit libraries and read more and more because truly 'READING MAKETH A FULL MAN'.

                                                                                          - Naseem Fathima